Your privacy is important - to you and to us.
We don't share your info, and we don't spam you. Ever.
Random Notes does not collect information on our users apart from that explicitly provided to Random Notes by said users (e.g., email addresses or phone numbers from which said users attempt to contact Random Notes). Under no circumstances does Random Notes make available any user information to any third party or parties except as explicitly agreed to by such users, nor does Random Notes utilize such information to direct communiques to a general audience, such as advertisements, form letters, or the communications colloquially referred to as "spam".
The Terms of Use are, as you might imagine, pretty darn long. (Our founder was a lawyer, and old habits are hard to break.) They apply to all interactions with Random Notes, including use of this website and the purchase and use of any of our products or services, so it's a good idea to make sure you're up to speed.
We include our Terms of Use in all Purchase Orders to make sure you have a chance to review them, but you can (and probably should) also review them by clicking HERE.